As of a couple of weeks ago progress as finally been made with our main floor renovation. After waiting 2 long months for the city to approve the permit for the structural walls removal, our contractor started work in the basement for the new footings. These concrete footings will support the load from the steel beams that will replace the current walls. Step one was to cut open the concrete and dig a larger and deeper hole for the new footings. This made a HUGE mess. SO. MUCH. DUST.

Lesson learned, do not assume they will tarp off areas of your living space. ASSUME NOTHING.
Step two is to fill these new holes with concrete and wait for it to set. In the mean time we demo'd more of the main floor/kitchen area in preparation for wall removal. All of the drywall, electrical and some plumbing had to be removed. Along with some kitchen cabinets. Note, our oven is currently in the middle of our dining room.

This week they are putting up the temporary walls followed by steel beam installation. Before the end of the week we will finally have the open floor plan we desire. Stay tuned!
Lauren xo
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